How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS” which is one of the best sales software in sales world as it has a lot of amazing features and reports with lots of abilities which will make you a successful business man whatever your activities types are.
How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS”
How to sell on the program, have the availability of choosing the customer, make a discount sale and do cash sale and credit sale:
- From the side menu, choose “sales” then choose “point of sales”.

- In the point of sale, we can assign the customer to whom we sell.

- We assign the product code by the bar-code or manually by inserting the first letters of its name and all the similar products with similar names will appear, then we choose the desired product.
- We assign the quantity we want to sell of this product.
- The price of this product and the total price will appear.
- Then, we click on “add to invoice” button.
How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS”

- After adding the item, we chose the kind of sale process whether it’s in cash or in credit. If it is in credit, we assign the part of the paid amount then but if it is in cash, this part will be zero.
- After that, we can assign the discount on this sale if existed by inserting the discount value and the program will calculate the needed amount.
How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS”
- After that, we click on “save” to save this sale process, we will find that all the details of this sale process appear at below and the process is registered and saved on the database.
- Finally, you can print the invoice for the customer by clicking on “print invoice”.
“Al Badr Program for Sales” provides you with feature of the changeable price lists where you can add a price list and link it to the products you want and start sales and purchases processes.
You can also make price lists for customers where you assign the prices of wholesales, half-wholesale and the retail sale and link them to your customers according to the kind of their dealing in sales and purchases processes.
How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS”
To help you increase your profits and improve your company, we offer you some reports which give you the information that lets you learn about all your deals as sales, purchases, stock, customers and suppliers’ administration, your expenses, your revenues in addition to some reports about the treasury and the net profits and losses.
“Al Badr Program for Sales” is a very important program for all stores owners as (clothing store – supermarket – restaurants – electrical appliances….).
We are also interested in developing the program continuously according to the customers’ requests. you can order an addition or edit your own reports or even add special shapes for the invoice by calling our technical support team.
How to register a sales process in “Al Badr point of sales software POS”
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for fodder and grain stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for sales analyzing reports , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for supermarkets and grocery stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for maintenance centers , please follow this link