application features

The features of “Al Badr Program for Sales”

Al Badr program for sales and stores

((a cashier and POS program))

“Al Badr Program for Sales” – the management of POS for institution, stores and all business activities.

It’s designed to manage all your business (sales – stores – customers – suppliers – representatives)

only for our customers.. Online Store + Mobile APP

البرنامج باللغة العربية والإنجليزية و5 لغات أخرى

The program is designed in Arabic, English and another five languages

“Al Badr Program for Sales” is specially designed to be suitable for all users around the world whatever their nationalities or languages. It’s designed in Arabic, English, French, Turkish, Urdu, Chinese and Indian languages in order to be fast and easy to use.

برنامج مبيعات سهل الإستخدام في تسجيل الحساب وتعليمه

It’s an easy-sales program to learn and register accounts.

Al Badr Program for Sales” is easy to use and helps you manage your sales and purchases easily and professionally. The online version of it doesn’t need to be installed on your computer or to spend long time training on it. This program is suitable for the simple user as it’s designed as the way we think and work. You can learn how to use it easily through using it directly.

لن تعانى من مشاكل تغير نسخه نظام التشغيل أو عادة تركيبة

You will not suffer the problem of changing the operating system or re-installing it

You will not suffer the problem of changing the operating system or the computer damage because “Al Badr Program for Sales” takes a backup copy of your program data periodically and saves it on the cloud protected. If you lose this data, you will get back your data again as it was preserved before.

حفظ بياناتك في كل أمان وخصوصية

Keeping your data safe and private

Make sure that all your data, your invoices and the uploaded files of your sales program is completely safe and it’s impossible for any person or customer to see any invoices or prices offers except the one who is meant by them. So you must make sure that all your data is only watched by you and those who you want to share with.

النسخ الاحتياطي لقاعدة البيانات

The automatic backup of your database

Your data is always safe where the “Al Badr Program for Sales” make a backup copy of your database every ten minutes and you can assign this period by yourself. It’s only a moment and the program will take a backup copy in a separated file and keep it in a separated folder that you assign before for the backup, and if you lose all your data, you can simply get it back.

يعمل تحت أي نظام تشغيل (ويندوز / لينكس / ابل ,… )

It’s operated on any operating system (Windows – Linux – Apple…)

One feature of the many ones of the program is that it can be operated on any operating system (Windows – Linux – Apple…) as it runs on all systems and doesn’t need to additional updates for the device operating system which makes it’s usage easy and available for all users on all operating systems.

حساب تلقائي لضريبة القيمة المضافة

Auto calculation for the added value tax

The added value tax is indirect tax which is imposed on all items and services that are sold and purchased by companies, one important feature of the many ones of “Al Badr Program for Sales” is its ability to calculate the added value automatically for each invoice as it has a lot of features which help you manage your business activity distinctively.

نظام البيع للجمهور أو البيع بالجملة لعملاء محددين

The wholesale and retail system for certain customers

“Al Badr Program for Sales” is an easy sales program for all business activities as it enables you to use the wholesale or retail system with any customer you want, it’s characterized by easiness, flexibility and the diversity in its usage to include all customers.

متعدد المستخدمين وصلاحيات لكل مستخدم

The program is multi users with permissions for each user

Because its usage is easy for all users, you can register items whether by manual registration or by the barcode reader which makes it easy for you to choose the proper mean to use.

إمكانية تحديث البرنامج من خلال موقعنا

The possibility of updating the program through our website

Our program “Al Badr Program for Sales” offers periodically updates for the program through our website which saves a lot of time and efforts as you can get those updates at your place, so we can say that “Al Badr Program for Sales” is always the best for you and all users.

يمكن تشغيل البرنامج على أكثر من جهاز بالمحل دون الاحتياج الى شراء نسخه لكل جهاز

The program can be operated on more than one device with no need to buy another copies for each device

As it’s mentioned before, “Al Badr Program for Sales” saves your time, efforts and money too as you can operate the program on more than one device at your store with no need to buy extra copies for each device, and this is considered from the most important features of the program.

يمكن الدخول على البرنامج من خلال جهاز كمبيوتر أو اللابتوب أو الموبايل

You can login the program through any devices as computers, laptops or smart phones

“Al Badr Program for Sales” is designed to be operated compatibly with all smart devices, so you can operate it on any device as computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones.

إضافة بيانات الأصناف (كود – اسم الصنف – السعر – الكمية )

Adding the items data (code – item name – the price – the quantity)

By using “Al Badr Program for Sales”, you can add unlimited number of products with their details as their codes, names and quantities. You can also add these products manually or by barcode device to meet all requirements of users.

تسجيل المبيعات و المشتريات اليومية

Registering daily sales and purchases

“Al Badr Program for Sales” helps you register daily sales and purchases to gather all data of daily activities so that you can back to it if it’s needed or if you want to print some reports to revise your profits and losses for example.

جرد المحل لمعرفه الكميات المتواجدة بالمحل

Doing inventory for the store to know the existed products quantities

Through the inventory system of the program, it becomes so easier to do an inventory for your store than before, you can do inventory to all your store products with no need to reference to the store in couples of minutes, so our program is always the best more than the rest.

عرض تقارير بالمبيعات اليومية بالمحل

Displaying the daily sales reports at the store

One of the best and the most important features of the program is the reports system which enable you to display and print reports of the daily sales to know what are sold that day and also the most and the least products to be sold.

تنبيه بنواقص الأصناف بالمحل

Alerting system for the lacking products at your store

Another important feature of the program of Al Badr is the alerting system of the lacking products at your store so that you can order more of this lacking product from one of your suppliers to be ready for any sales.

تسجيل وطباعة تقرير بالمصروفات

Registration and printing expenses report

“Al Badr Program for Sales” is an easy sales program to use and deal so you can register your daily expenses and print a report of them to know what is spent in a day or in a certain period you assign to learn your profits and losses in details.

تقارير الأرباح والخسائر

Reports of profits and losses:

Profits and losses reports are printed to learn your profits and losses in a certain period and the program shows you the performance of your business in details of your profits and losses. The great importance of these reports is that they make the business owner is fully aware of all what happens within his institution.

Extra services to increase your sales

تطبيق أندرويد و أيفون مميز لمتجرك على الهواتف الذكية

Distinctive applications of Android and IPhone for your store on the smart phones

“Al Badr Smart Systems” seeks for using the best and latest programming techniques in designing the modern applications. One of its additional services that you can get is the smart phones applications where you can follow up your business activities from anywhere at any time and enjoy the distinctive interactive design and the other factors such as speed, stability and smooth use.

تلقي طلبات الشراء من التطبيق ومتجرك الإلكتروني

Receiving purchases orders from your application and online store

“Al Badr Program for Sales” enables you to have a platform to sell all your products online and manage these orders. You can also communicate directly with customers, issue invoices, send them via email and receive payments online whether it’s through a website or even a smart phone application which makes it easy to receive the purchases orders from only one place.

تطبيق خاص بالمحصلين وطلبات التوصيل متصل بالبرنامج

A special connected application to the program for the amount collectors and for delivery orders

Communicate with your customers from anywhere at any time through the applications of the smart phone as IPhone and Android which belong to those collectors and delivery orders. This application of “Al Badr Program for Sales” enables you to follow up your business moment to moment and also let you know if the collector delivered the order to the customer or not and many other features you can get by having this application.

You can know more about features of “Al Badr Program for Sales” via a trial account….

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