Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores which helps you to control all the processes of sales, purchases, bar-code scales, wholesale and retail sales, the diversity of selling units such as (piece – carton – packet – sack…..), adding categories, supporting touch screens, printing invoices and periodically reports, stores management and following up your profits and losses. It’s designed to protect your business from the accountants’ faults such as manipulation or forgetting.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

Al Badr point of sales software "pos" for supermarkets and grocery stores
Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

Why should you get Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores?

Because it is one of the strongest and best sales and cashier programs for supermarkets and grocery as it helps you in:

Controlling the purchases and sales processes:

  • Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores can help you to calculate the costs of items easily.
  • You can compare the purchasing prices with the selling prices and get the net profit without any efforts.
  • You can know your daily profits and losses.
  • You can assign the profits of each invoice alone after calculating the cost of its sold items.
  • You can assign the minimum limit of selling price easily.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

The easiness of defining items:

  • Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores allows you to insert the name of the item manually or by bar-code reader.
  • You can add the item to more than one store at the same time.
  • It’s so easy to search for items.

The diversity of items’ units:
You can define these items by (piece – carton – packet – sack…).

Assigning the most sold items:
The program provides you with the most ten sold products, and to avoid the lacking of these items, it alerts you about the lacking of these items on reaching their minimum limit at your stores and branches.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

The settings of the bar-code reader or scales:
You can set your bar-code or scales settings easily.

Registration of suppliers’ data:

  • You can add new suppliers to the program.
  • You can register their data and invoices in addition to following up their accounts and payments dates.

Registration of more than one cashier:

  • You can register many users in the program, it can register the name of each cashier and show the sales of each of them in his own shift.
  • Opening a shift for each cashier and operating more than one cash box at the same time.
  • You can calculate the stock of each shift of each cashier easily.

Registration of purchases:

  • You can add the purchasing data.
  • You can register the purchasing prices in addition to the daily items purchasing lists.
  • You can register the data of the purchasing returns.
  • You can register the data of receipts and spending vouchers.

Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores

Adding categories:
You can add a classification to a general category from which several categories fall.

Items alerts:

  • You can have alerts for the lacking items which reached their minimum limit to order new purchasing orders of them.
  • There are also alerts about the items whose expiration dates must be revised and checked.

for more online tutorials, please follow this link

Adding items using an excel sheet:
You can get the data of items from an excel sheet and saves this data in this excel sheet with the item’s (name – description – bar-code – quantity – selling and purchasing price…).

Doing inventory for items easily:

  • Al Badr point of sales enables you to do inventory for all the branches of your stores or supermarket easily using the bar-code reader and scales.
  • You can assign the expiration date of these items.
  • If you need a “pos” for supermarkets or grocery stores, it will be Al Badr Point of sales software “pos”.

A report of price lists:

  • Selling by the wholesales system or retail system.
  • There is a possibility to sell by credit or in installments

Linking the branches of supermarkets and stores to each other:

  • Al Badr point of sales enables you to link the branches of the supermarkets to each other in addition to observing the movement of items sales remotely.
  • Linking the cashier to the store to know the available and lacking items.
  • Linking the branches of the stores to each other and doing inventory to know the lacking items.

The invoices and discounts:

  • Al Badr point of sales enables you to add invoices to clients and suppliers at any time.
  • Fixed additions to the invoices such as the institution’s logo or any other text.
  • The possibility of choosing the size and shape of the invoice which suits you.
  • The possibility of adding discounts on items.
  • The easiness of searching for any invoices.
  • The easiness of revising old invoices for customers and suppliers.
  • The possibility of adding service fees or any other new taxes easily.
  • If you need a “pos” for supermarkets or grocery stores, it will be Al Badr Point of sales software “pos”.

You can specify some permissions for each employee according to his missions for example, the cashier has the permissions of payment while the quartermaster has another permissions of the warehouses and stock, and none of them can encroach on the others’ permissions.

Reports at Al Badr point of sales :

Through the feature of reports, you can get…

  • Detailed inclusive reports for supermarkets easily, accurately and without faults.
  • Reports for items and expenses.
  • Reports for profits and losses.
  • Reports for sales, treasury, returns and purchases.
  • Reports for users, sellers, inventories and customers.
  • The possibility of displaying sales reports for each cashier and the collected amounts from the sales processes.
  • If you need a “pos” for supermarkets or grocery stores, it will be Al Badr Point of sales software “pos”.
  • The easy-use of “Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores“:
  • The easy and flexible usage as it doesn’t need specialists or experts to run it besides, it’s compatible with all kinds of screens (computers – laptop – mobile…) in addition to its compatibility with all sizes and operating systems.
  • It supports touch screens to facilitate its usage.
  • You can insert unlimited number of customers, clients and suppliers in addition to registering the accounts and data of suppliers, you can also control adding and editing data easily.
  • The possibility of updating the items’ prices.
  • Printing the daily movement of expenses.
  • There is a price policy which suits the small projects.
  • You can change the colors of the program with comfortable ones to suit your desire.
  • There are available educational lessons for the program.
  • The program supports seven languages (Arabic – English – Urdu – Chinese – French – Turkish – Indian) to suit all users around the world.
  • It runs on any operating systems (Windows – Linux – Apple…).
  • The program offers an integrated supporting for all kinds of printers.
  • If you need a “pos” for supermarkets or grocery stores, it will be Al Badr Point of sales software “pos”.

Keeping safety and privacy:

  • All your data, invoices and the folders of the program are kept in full secrecy and it’s impossible to see these data and invoice by anyone except the one to whom, they are issued.
  • Making an automatic backup each period of ten seconds and you can assign this period. It keeps the copy of your data backup completely safe on the cloud. In seconds, the program copies your data in a separated file and keep it in a folder that you assign for keeping the backup copies, so you can get it back at any time.
  • A full protection from the manipulation of stores, revenues and expenses.
  • Making a backup for your data continuously which makes it safer.

Technical support:
There is a technical support through (telephone – instant chat – remote communication).

Continuous updates:
The program offers you periodically updates via our website which makes it easy for all users to save time and efforts where you can get those updates at your place.

  • If you need a “pos” for supermarkets or grocery stores, it will be Al Badr Point of sales software “pos”.

You can see more features of “Al Badr point of sales software “pos” for supermarkets and grocery stores” through creating a trial account…

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