To meet the demands of our customers and Al Badr point of sales software “pos” users, we have added New updates at Al Badr point of sales software “pos” which are several features and reports that will help to manage their institutions easily.
Adding a distinctive alerting sound in case of not registering the bar-code at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:

There is a new addition in the program which is a distinctive alerting sound that will be heard if you pass an unregistered item over the bar-code reader to alert the seller or the cashier that it hasn’t been added to the invoice yet.
Adding a new report to show the total of discounts in a period at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There is a new addition in the program which is a report for showing the total of discounts on invoices in a period that can be determined through this report to let you know the total of the invoices and the total value of discounts which have been done with the date and the invoice number.
The report of discounts on invoices … to have a look on the reports in the reports page

Adding a new report for inventory by units to show the quantities according to the chosen unit such as (packet – package – carton…..) at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There are New updates at Al Badr pos for sales which is a report for the items inventory with the possibility of choosing a unit to display the report with. If you don’t define the item with the sub unit you want the report with, the program will display the inventory using the main unit of this item. only with (Al Badr point of sales software “pos”)

Updating the report o lacking items and adding a new unit filter at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There are New updates at Al Badr pos for the report of lacking items where you can display these items using all its defined units for example, you can display the quantity of lacking items in the main unit as packet or the sub unit as carton< only at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”
Updating the product price according to the price list through adding by bar-code at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
In case of adding more than one price for the same item such as a retail price and wholesale price, if you add a certain quantity of the item which you have assigned before to be in wholesale price, you will find that the price is modified automatically according to the price list.
For example, , if you assigned the wholesale price for the item in case of selling 3 pieces of it, you will find that the price will be changed from the retail price to the wholesale price as soon as you insert the wholesale quantity of this item. However, it remains sold with the retail price if you sell lower quantity than the wholesale quantity.
Assigning the permission of displaying a group of customers for certain customers on the users’ displaying page of Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There are New updates at Al Badr pos for displaying a group of customers of a user for him only on the all customers’ displaying page, to show all customers of the other groups, the user needs to have a permission to display all customers from the settings of permissions only at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”
Updating the registration of expenses to include the tax additions such as the value added at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There are New updates at Al Badr pos for for the expenses registration page to register the value added or taxes on expenses which are spent and recording it through the program.
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for fodder and grain stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for sales analyzing reports , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for supermarkets and grocery stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for maintenance centers , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales and how to assign permissions of users , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for laundries and dry cleaning , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for bakeries and confectionery stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for spice stores , please follow this link
- To show Al Badr Software for sales for air conditioner and water filters , please follow this link
Updating the page of showing safes, points of sales and total adding at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
There are New updates at Al Badr pos to show the total amount of the safe in the institution to know the total of the available cash at all points of sales or the bank accounts.
Updating the page of items displaying for searching by bar-code or by the sub bar-code of the items units at Al Badr point of sales software “pos”:
We improve the searching process of the items to include the search using the bar-code of the item or the bar-code of the sub-units of the same item such as the bar-code of the piece or the packet or the carton.
And another feature in Al Badr point of sales software “pos” which are three classes of permissions for the users in “Al Bade Program for Sales” which are classified as following:
The normal user’s permissions:
They’re ordinary permissions as (login the program – sales processes – adding purchases – displaying customers’ data and showing reports)
The medium user’s permissions:
It’s a higher class of permissions than the ordinary ones because its users can edit the sales price, add returns, add a product and add a supplier.
The advanced user’s permissions:
They’re the highest permissions ever as its users can change data of products, manage users, delete products and records, do backup and many other features more than the ordinary and medium users.
Each user can be given permissions that are suitable for his job. Through multi users features and the New updates at Al Badr pos for , you can have a look on all processes of these users displayed in a clear record with the data of each user and the date of occurring according to each user’s permissions. You can also register the data of employees in details, holidays, salaries, loans in addition to assigning the time and attendance.
“Al Badr point of sales software “pos” enables you to register the custody and everything related to employee’s activity within the institution, so it’s the best program for sales by which you can follow up your business easily.
for more online tutorials, please follow this link