An online store for marketing your products

Yes.. An online store for marketing your products… For Free

It’s only for all customers of Al Badr Program for Sales.

Website for marketing products .. Only for the customers of Al Badr Program for Sales…NOW, you can display and sell your products on the internet.

It’s an online platform for selling and purchasing items through the internet, it’s a catalogue which contains different kinds of items with certain qualities. The online trading has recently flourished strongly after the increasing of the internet shoppers all over the Arab world or the whole world.

Website for marketing products

A free online store:

On purchasing Al Badr Program for Sales, you can order your online store for free to start marketing your products through the internet so easily, this store will help you to increase the number of your customers which will help in increasing your sales movement and achieve higher earnings for your institutions.

The features of the online store of Al Badr Program for Sales:

  • You can choose among more than one design for your online store.
  • The store supports many languages, so you can choose the suitable language for your online store.
  • You can add your data to let your online customers communicate with you online.
  • The store is so easy to be managed and has a high level of security.
  • The possibility of displaying a lot of products of different sections.
  • It makes it so easy for your customers to reach your products in a professionalism.

متجر إلكترونى لتسويق منتجاتك مجانا

The importance of setting up a Website for marketing products for your commercial institution.

    • Opening new markets for your products:

The online stores offer new chances to attract customers for all different local and international markets without any bound to geographical boundaries.

    • Do shopping easily:

All customers can see all your products and follow up the newest of them in addition to their prices through the shopping cart which contains products that had been bought by customers before, it’s one of the most important fundamentals of the shopping cart that makes doing shopping so easy.

  • Open all the day:

Any customers can do shopping via the shopping market at any time all the day.

How to start running your online store:
By using Al Badr Program for Sales, you can start running your online store on the internet and you can choose any design that suits your sense and institution.

How to add your products on the online store:
You can show your products that are existed on Al Badr Program for Sales via a special link of your online store. On clicking on this link, you will find the shopping cart which contains all items that are meant to appear online through Al Badr Program for Sales.

Get a special link with the name of your institution:

You can order a special link with the name of your institution for free in case of subscribing in the annual subscription of the online version.

Website for marketing products

Program policies

Payment methods